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Economic Geography
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countries according to nominal GDP (IMF 2006) The major industrialized countries on the planet (G20) World Map in color showing the Human Development Index (estimate 2003). The nations of the yellow / orange shows an average human development, or red human development basso.La economic geography is a subdiscipline of geography, which examines the global economic connections, dealing with phenomena such as macroeconomics, globalization, or supranational entities such as ASEAN, MERCOSUR, the European Union, NAFTA, APEC, EFTA, the FTAA, OPEC.
Compared to classical geography, explores the economic issues that are only touched upon the first: the economy, geopolitics, socio-economic dynamics, the evolution of the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary, the flows of people, capital , goods and information, the difference between North and South and the latest trends in the reprocessing viewing even from a historical point of view.
Contents [hide] 1 1.2 Structure and organization of the territory
1.3 The spatial order as economic value
1.4 External economies
1.5 The infrastructure and the socialization of capitalist production
1.6 The position as market value
1.8 1.7 Local and global imbalances and forms of globalization
2 The geographic region
2.1 The regional organization
2.2 Types of thematic region
2.3 The formal and functional economic areas
2.4 Regional structures hierarchical and polarized
2.5 Devolution and regional structures to network
2.6 The local territorial systems
2.7 global networks and local systems in the processes
2.8 The development of peripheral regions and the territorial disintegration in the global South
3 Economy and Environment 3.1 The
natural environment, ecosystems, geosistema
3.2 The ecological problem
3.3 The economic causes of the problem
3.4 The ecosystem changes
3.5 The ecological footprint
3.6 The greenhouse effect and global change global climate
3.7 Sustainable development 3.8 The forms of ecological sustainability
3.9 The industry
3.10 Sustainability: action at global and local
Population 4.1 The population explosion
4.2 The demographic transition
4.3 The geographical distribution of 4.4 The population
4.5 The population migration as an economic resource
4.6 The Health and Education 5
territorial organization of the agricultural areas
6 The mining and energy production and its effect on territory
7 The manufacturing industry and territorial development
Services 8 and 9
territory in the geographic space tourism
cash flows 11 Notes 12
Bibliography 13 References
The geographical and economic space [edit]
geographical-spatial relations [edit]
Main articles: Economics and geography.
The geographical space is a mental trick: if it is isolated from the spatial relationships that affect the economic achievements of the "economic space". We can classify spatial relations: vertical relationships, if economic actors connected with the characteristics of different places, horizontal relationships, if they provide for the exchange, movement of people, information and funds.
Structure and organization of the territory [edit]
The locations are then linked together by specific interactions (horizontal) and relationships (vertical) with the territory in which they reside. In turn, the different spatial structures, linked together by horizontal relations, they form what is called territorial organization. The location of economic facts and horizontal and vertical ties interact and affect each other. So the economy of an area, all other conditions held constant, depends on the order of space systems, production and trade. The spatial structures and their organization are therefore the focus of economic geography and analyzing three sets of facts are considered: the different natural conditions, the conditions inherited from the past, the present organization.
The spatial order as economic value [edit]
The rate of industrial development following the Industrial Revolution Main article: Industrial Revolution and Commerce.
In societies pre-commercial and pre-industrial value of the area depended mainly on its ability to meet the local consumption and it did not matter if the land could produce more. This relationship between human and territory changed when it developed trade relations outreach. The soil, from a simple common good of the whole group, then became a well of those who possess capital, could acquire the property to increase the capital itself. This process gave rise to capitalist society for which the land value if the first was linked to more or less fertile land, now began to become increasingly dependent on its position. The choice of the crop would no longer depend on the needs of local consumption, but the commercial value. But the agrarian capitalism has its limits due to the impossibility to produce over a certain amount. These limits were exceeded when the mechanism of capital accumulation of the market apply to the industry. Here the increased productivity of human labor did not seem to find any limitation. The industrial-capitalist mode of production had as its main consequence, the concentration of economic development in many countries and in a few central areas, while the rest of the space economy remains more or less past due. The economies of scale in fact causes an increase in investment where there are already, in a virtuous circle.
External economies [edit]
The advantages that the capitalist entrepreneur obtained by locating its business activities in certain places and environmental conditions are defined as external economies or externalities are useful effects that can be received only from the outside if you locate where there are certain conditions (road, etc.). The existence of such constraints on the productivity of local firms was recognized as early as 1890 by Marshall. External economies are natural, caused by human activity (infrastructure) or they may also result from a side effect of the market (economies of agglomeration). The proximity of most businesses it can generate economies of scale and cost savings. This is what occurred in Italy in industrial areas such as Turin and Milan. Agglomeration economies are part of the external economies of urbanization, which result from: primary infrastructure works, the ease of trade in goods, the formation of an increasingly large, the presence of necessary public services; parallel development of private services for families and businesses. The government has a certain degree of power in favor of these factors.
infrastructure and social development of capitalist production [edit]
Main article: Road, Highway, Railway and Canal.
infrastructures are those artificial conditions created by the territory government spending. They can be divided into: Physical infrastructure or technical social infrastructure, economic infrastructure, information infrastructure and research. In addition, they have the following characteristics: they are territorial structures, are not excludable goods, they are often inseparable, do not give direct revenues but only generate external economies. Geographical space, therefore the market economy works through its opposite, "not goods". This form of collective socialization, it would seem opposed to the principle of capitalism, but in fact it is a capitalist socialization because they do not oppose the market system, rather it is consistent with its requirements.
position as the market value [edit]
The capitalist system is a way to pay the external economies although they are not goods. In fact, every piece of land has a different value depending on its location, the external economies that offers to those who locate there. In rural areas the value of land is assessed mainly in terms of its natural characteristics, in urban areas, by contrast, a soil is assessed mainly in terms of its location. In addition the application of land use increases continuously over time and who owns it is in a position tend to monopoly.
Local and Global [change]
Main articles: Globalization and Regionalization.
External economies produced by an infrastructure damage is localized benefits to those close to it. In other cases it is the vertical relationships that bind certain locations to specific characteristics of certain places. The term global geography, indicates those horizontal relationships that span the entire planet, are local reports of interest to only a portion of the globe. Once, the circuits of production and exchange of goods took place mainly at local level, while territorial levels were circulating a few goods "rare". Starting from the modern, following the discovery of the entire globe became more and more frequent exchanges on a global scale. To date, in fact, relations have intensified so as to have now exceeded the boundaries, physical, cultural or political.
Forms and imbalances of globalization [edit]
Globalization is characterized mainly by the diversity and mutual interdependence. The technological and economic globalization now concerns all stages of the economic cycle: from resource processing manufacturing and distribution. The dimensions of the phenomenon in fact are such that any trader, and no state is able to control them. Formed so that global networks of cooperating companies worldwide, connect to each of the thousands of places in which they are located. There is thus a situation of potential competition between all the places of the earth. Other aspects of globalization relate to the technical-scientific knowledge and environmental issues that affect all of humanity simultaneously. There is also a cultural aspect should not be overlooked, so we are seeing a globalization of culture at the expense of smaller firms. Finally there is also a geopolitical and geostrategic that globalization is the growing interdependence and immediate decisions and political events from around the globe. Instead there is a substantial delay in the globalization of institutions that are still deeply rooted locally.
The geographic region [change]
Main article: Geographical region.
The regional organization [edit]
The combination of horizontal and vertical relationships covers the entire planet. Consolidations, mergers, rarefactions, discontinuity, and share geo-economic space divided into regions. To define a region requires three conditions: A set of contiguous sites, common features between them, based on those characteristics, there is a differentiation from the surrounding areas. Depending on the size differs a micro-level (or a few municipalities); mesoregionale (set of political regions, countries); megaregionali (continental and intercontinental). In each case the space of a region is a mental abstraction and then changes according to the phenomena that we want to keep into account.
Types thematic region [change]
types of region are:
The politico-administrative region, the region
the historical region and / or cultural
economic region.
The economic areas of design and function [edit]
The regions are defined as formal when they are identified on the basis of homogeneous attributes that identify and differentiate them from surrounding regions. Functional regions are those identified on the basis of horizontal relationships that extend into space. These are distinct from monocentric or polycentric. Finally, a formal region that is linked to a functional form a region complex. A typical example is the region of the program, according to the characteristics of an area, it is proposed to carry out some work on the regional scale.
regional hierarchical structures and polarized [edit]
The provision of local services is not random. The space is in fact gererchizzato, for which individual centers (central places) are each in their surrounding area. In theory, then the gap between the urban areas would equal distances, but this does not occur in reality because geographical space is differentiated by the nature and history. The phenomena of imbalance are determined mainly by agglomeration processes for which the activities tend to locate one close to the others. Regional development of this type is called polarized. The polarized structure creates spatial imbalance between the polarizing region central and peripheral regions. An example of this imbalance is the Pentagon London, Paris, Milan, Monaco and Hamburg. However, the polarization also produces adverse effects on natural and cultural, therefore, in some cases occurring processes of depolarization.
Devolution and regional structures to network [edit]
polarized typical regional structures are those developed in the early part of 1900 with the advent of manufacturing industry. Instead, in the second half of 1900, the countries of were invested by the old industrial fractionation process and decentralization of production areas. At this stage there is a new type of regional structure that is called the network structure and which distributes the various activities in smaller towns. The lattice structures now appear best placed to promote the development of strong areas.
local territorial systems [edit]
Main article: Industrial District.
One effect of globalization is the competition between the various territories. This competition covers private, public and mixed together they form a local network that acts as a collective actor. It takes place on the concept of territorial Milieu, which represents a sort of common heritage of an area (so the potential natural, economic and social) on which a community can build to create development. The most typical example is the industrial district.
global networks and local systems development processes [edit] Territorial
The main effect of globalization is the tendency to reconstruct the existing spatial units at different levels such as from city to city, from the local to the macro. This construction does not ignore the existence of global networks whose nodes whose flows and escape any direct territorial control. However, the regions can virtuous take advantage of these networks through conducting an active intermediary role between the conditions of the milieu local and global networks. In this way the region is not passively suffer the effects of global networks and will instead lay the foundations for further development. The most typical example is the strategic plans.
peripheral regions and the territorial disintegration in the southern hemisphere [edit] The division
geopolitical North - South and today is considered [1] Main article: South.
The transition from hierarchical spatial structures in the aerial trusses regards the more developed industrialized countries. However, some areas have been marginalized by this system, thus generating suburbs (Scotland, south Italy, the southern hemisphere, etc.). The position dependence of these areas is realized primarily with the migration of the population.

The movement of water around, over and through the Earth is called the water cycle. Human beings, as living organisms, depend on the ecosystems within which they operate. Similarly the natural environment does not exert a passive role, but provides a range of natural services that have a key role in the survival of the human species and high. These services are: Solar energy, decomposition, and the atmospheric gas regulation, climate regulation, water cycle, biological control of pests and diseases. The economic system is a subsystem of the terrestrial ecosystem. It supplies a flow of matter, energy, and information tending to change the natural system. This generates the so-called ecological problem that has become increasingly global since the industrial revolution. It should also be noted that the balance of geosistema are never completely stable, because they give rise to continuous fluctuations now assume a greater hazard due to two main reasons: the increase of the density and complexity land for which has increased the vulnerability of people, and humanity changing more and more the Earth system, which has generated some different changes are reversible, but others are irreversible. It is therefore important to consider the time difference such as: geological (billion years), biological (million years), economic (few years). It is essential therefore that the local and temporal differences remain within the limits compatible with the maintenance of human life and that in particular. Today, this risk is present since more than 60% of the planet is subject to unsustainable exploitation.
The economic causes of the problem [edit]
In a statement the results depend on total factor productivity, ie the ratio between the quantity of goods and services produced and the corresponding amount of inputs used. The factors are originating in the earth (a set of resources) and work (human). The history of relations between man and environment is characterized by continuous increase in the exploitation of the land factor (less than human labor and natural energy). This trend had a huge acceleration since the Industrial Revolution. This explains the fact that today every inhabitant of the earth, while working on average less than our ancestors in pre-industrial average has at its disposal a greater quantity of goods and services and lower availability of nature reserves. The economic system current is not normally able to record it effectively to balance this progressive loss of productivity of the land. Theoretically, it would then require a decrease in consumption by the rich range of population and production increased by the poor under the current poverty levels. In fact the reverse is true. It is therefore necessary to take corrective rational.
alterations of the ecosystem [edit] What
produces an economic benefit in the short term can produce severe environmental damage in the long run. The local imbalances can also easily magnified globally. For this reason, the ecological problem is not more power to state policies, but international agreements. With the first urban concentrations and then with the advent of industry and the consumer society have produced a large number of non-recyclable waste many of them of course. In addition, human waste can generate a series of chain reactions which then spread over several zones, such as fine dust and radioactive waste. Among the ecosystem changes that exceed the threshold of reversibility is also the loss of biological diversity or biodiversity.
The ecological footprint [edit]
Main article: Ecological Footprint.
To assess the problem of consumption is used to different calculation methods including the ecological footprint. This is to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bland and sea factor necessary for a community to produce all the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it produces. The result divided by the population provides the average ecological footprint of that population. (Italian is 3.8 against a real availability of, 1.06; therefore consume about 3 times what belongs to us).
The greenhouse effect and global climate change [edit]
Schematic illustration of the main factors that cause climate change land, in particular, industrial activity and changes in solar activity are the most important. Main article: Climate change and greenhouse effect. The
geosistema is a collection of objects and phenomena linked by flows of matter and energy that work as one system, under which local action can affect the entire planet. The environmental imbalance that creates the greatest concern at the global level, which is currently the most studied is the greenhouse effect that the excessive increase of certain gases tends to increase the temperature of the earth abnormally with dire consequences.
Sustainable development [edit]
Sustainable development means that type of development that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. It also means a development that takes into account not only of economic income, but also the quality of the environment and therefore of life. It is based on three fundamental principles: integrity of the system, economic efficiency, social equity (within and between generations). There are two interpretations of sustainable development in society today, a weaker than it is proposed to continue the current exploitation of nature but with the compensation of targeted interventions by man (such as reforestation). The other more decisive would leave the entire stock of existing resources for future generations.
The forms of sustainability [edit]
Schematically we can identify the following aspects, all in the concept of sustainable development: Environmental sustainability
Economic sustainability;
Sustainability demographic
Social Sustainability, Sustainability
cultural sustainability.
industry scheme [edit]
Environmental degradation has led to the birth of a new market. Natural resources have become in fact the goods (like water). You are so widespread all'ecobusiness activities (waste disposal, decontamination, environmental protection etc.). These activities have become as indispensable, but they also generate a perverse effect that tends to perpetuate environmental destruction.
Sustainability: action at global and local [change]
Main article: Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations.
The first UN world conference on environmental issues was held in Stockholm in 1972. On this occasion the least developed countries could be seen asking sacrifices while having contributed in no small part to imbalances and have had particular advantages. In any case, the prevailing idea of \u200b\u200bcompensation rather than prevention. In 1992, Rio de Janeiro conference emphasized the need to rethink which could be a type of development that would allow access to resources of all people and reduce the ecological and economic imbalances at the international level. Agenda 21 is known because it established a list of major issues where joint action is needed at international level consumption, income distribution, sustainable agriculture, protection of forests, conservation of genetic aid to poor countries , water management, control of gas emissions. The limitation of this measure was not postulated any kind of specific obligation nor any sanction for countries underwriters. In 1997 in Kyoto, there was the drafting of the Kyoto Protocol which commits countries signatories to cut emissions of major greenhouse gases.
Population [edit] Population growth
10,000 BC - 2000 AD A model diagram representative of the demographic transition of the world population density Distibution world's population. Source Wikipedia: List of countries by literacy rate population in the world
The population explosion [edit]
is defined as the growth rate in a given period, the difference between the birth rate and death rate. The population of the planet at the beginning of the XXI century has passed the 6 billion inhabitants, the greatest increase has occurred but only after the agricultural revolution and then industrial. This historic moment is called population explosion. In recent decades the growth rate of world population started to decline from 21% to 12%. However, the density continues to grow and this is a triumph of humanity towards the fight against disease, but it is also a concern because the growth is not uniform throughout the world, and often where there are fewer resources there is a stronger population growth. Europe is the only continent in negative natural balance.
The demographic transition [edit]
Main article: Demographic Transition.
The geographical distribution of the population [change]
The differences in growth are reflected in the distribution of humanity on Earth's surface. There are in fact parts of the world that are uninhabited. The remainder of the land surface, permanent settlement is that density has a strong ecumenical and variables. The continent is the most densely populated Asia, followed by Europe. While the lowest values \u200b\u200bare those of Oceania and South America. In each case, three quarters of humanity live in Eurasia. Even within each continent there are major imbalances in the density. There are two types of large concentrations of people, the first derived from a centuries-old agricultural colonization (the Asian region, Mexico), the latter resulting modern industrial development (England, France, Italy, USA etc.).
Migration [edit]
The population of a territory also varies for the migratory movement, but net migration is less certain because of the natural one because of the difficult detection of underground movements. Since the end of 1900 witnessed a significant increase in migration, so that according to the UN on 20% of the world left by choice or by force to their country of origin. Main factors of these movements are of three types: The migration transition, which follows the demographic transition, pushing the surplus population to wealthier areas, the difference in income and quality of life, the globalization of transport and communications. Then there are also political factors such as the opening of internal borders between international bodies like the European Union. Our continent has historically been a point of emigration, and only in recent decades has emerged as the main attraction worldwide. Russia also had a similar experience. And today they have developed new lines that pass through the peaceful and add to the historical ones that went to the Atlantic. Among the immigrants are the most represented categories of migrants and political refugees to work. International migration for work is seen by developing countries as a remedy for unemployment internal and underemployment. For industrialized countries the immigrants are an inexpensive labor, although the number of immigrants and almost always exceed the number that the host countries are willing to accept.
The population as an economic resource [edit]
The population of a country can be considered an economic resource of fundamental importance, referred to as human capital. It defines the whole population of people of working age. The percentage of assets varies from country to country, and its value tends to be lowered by the abundance of children (in poor countries) or the abundance of retirees (rich countries). Unemployment is widespread throughout even in industrialized countries is between 4% and 10%. In poor countries do not know the true rate of unemployment, but using estimates from which at least reflected the difference in employment between men and women over the age of inclusion in the active population of young people. But besides the number of employees should take account of different productivity (hours of labor per unit of product).
The health and education [edit] Features
of considerable importance from the point of view of production are social as well as health and education. As for Health there are still major differences between rich and poor countries even if the latter, albeit slowly, are definitely improving their living conditions. Education is guaranteed a basic level in all states, however, does not always have access to this service, the entire population, illiteracy, therefore, has all but disappeared.
territorial organization of the agricultural areas [change]
Main article: Territorial organization of agricultural areas.
The earth's surface used in agricultural use is not random, even following the natural factors, social, cultural and technological well-defined. In fact, depending on how these factors fit together in different parts of the globe, are carried out based on different spatial structures different types of agricultural production.
mining and energy production and its effect on territory [edit]
Main article: The mining and energy production.
world energy consumption by source in 1973 and 2004. Source: International Energy Agency [2]. The mining and energy sector is crucial in the study of economic geography. In fact, iron ore and other minerals have historically been the ideal location of the industrial towns, especially before the revolution in transport. Similarly, the proximity to natural sources for the construction of hydropower and thermal power is a constant for the most developed areas the planet.
The manufacturing industry and territorial development [edit]
Main article: manufacturing activity.
The manufacturing activity is relevant in terms of geo-economic because it involves a set of spatial and economic aspects such as: PROCUREMENT resources, their transformation (with consequences for the environment), and the distribution of the product finished.
Services and territory [edit]
Main article: Services and territory.
The tertiary sector is also of considerable interest for the study because the geo-economic services to the general traffic spatial markets (local and global), money (finance), people (tourism) and information (computer). Also, the government through certain services on the territory administered influsice.
Tourism geographic space [edit]
Main article: Tourism in the geographic space.
basic phenomenon of the tertiary sector is tourism. It takes a deep significance in the study of economic geography, as creator spatial displacement of people and capital, resulting in radically change the economic prospects of a region.
Financial flows [edit]
Main article: Cash flow.
International trade is one of the pillars underpinning the process of economic globalization. Over the past 50 years there has been an increase in trade of around 40 times in value and 10 times in volume. There was also a trend of almost all countries worldwide to increase their degree of trade openness, although there are still some barriers and customs duties in some areas and for certain products. The strong growth of global trade is due to the presence of different factors including:
economic and industrial development of the north;
the expansion of multinational enterprises;
the development of transport technologies and information.
Also worth noting is the growth in world trade, services as well as goods.
Notes [edit] Contrasts in Development
^ ^ IEA, ibid
Bibliography [edit]
S. Conti, G. Dematteis, C. Lanza, F. Nano, Geography of the world economy, UTET, Novara, 2006
References [edit]
OLI Paradigm
Economics and Agricultural Policy
Financial Economics Development Economics International Economics
Environmental Economics
Global governance
Finance Geography Human Geography
classical theories of regional development
Physical Geography
countries of the world
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