The 39 kinds of amazing shit 1 - Poo "ghost"
when one feels that he is going to shit, but nothing comes out when he sits
2 - Hunt Ghost 2 "is
that when one turns to the inside of the cup with pride to see his work, is gone
3 - Hunting "perfect" or "clean" when
a shit, you clean the toilet paper and sees that it is perfectly clean, ready for the nose soffiarcisi
4 - Hunting "wet" or "liquid":
when, no matter if you clean 50 times, still feel wet ass, so you decide to put a little 'toilet paper between her ass and panties, and exit from the bathroom concealing the trouble
5 - Poo "still" or "two times":
when you shit, you're picking up his pants and half 'way, at the knees , but you still feel a bit shit '
6 - Hunting "Hulk":
is one in which the mere fact of going to hell is converted into an enormous effort that will swell the veins of the neck and brings the blood to the head, making you run the risk of embolism; clenching fists and teeth, and green terms exhausted by the effort.
7 - Hunting "island" when the crap is
of such epic proportions that shit above the water level in the cup, forming a small mountain of dry land, usually requires two or more 'button because of the pressures fall completely to discharge
8 - Caccia "explosive" or "fart"
is accompanied by noisy gas and is usually heard by all those who are at home to test seismograph, has caused a lot of false alarms in Baghdad
9 - Hunting "alcoholic" or "drinker"
very common after a night of drinking and is characterized by the brush that leaves the sides of the cup, is black, over-scented and has a very solid consistency, its main feature are the signs of braking on the bottom left of the water.
10 - Hunting "but I can not":
when one feels the need 'to shit and sits on the toilet, but' after a few minutes without being able to shit decides to try again 'later
11 - Hunting "on the cob "The name says
everything. Causes of self-contempt
12 - Poo "difficult birth"
so painful to leave that one wonders if the shit is coming out sideways
13 - Poo-breaking vertebrae:
is what causes pain in the output type childbirth, you wonder if at any moment will sell your navel, the belly starts to explode and that it is appropriate to do a Caesarean
14 - Poo "splash"
out so fast and heavy, falling in 'water, it washes the buttocks making us angry.
15 - Poo "Exorcist:
out half green and half yellow, one thinks that her ass must be possessed by the devil.
16 - Poo 'high society' "
one that has no odor.
17 - Hunting spy:
that, after pulling the chain, re-emerged as a surprise.
18 - Hunting permanent display:
class crap so monstrous that èdifficile believe was produced by a human being, the creator wont leave his work in the cup for all to appreciate and avoid wetting toilet paper for not obstruct the vision of his work
19 - Poo 'disintegration':
is the one that comes in solid enough, but when one presses the button seems to explode into a thousand tiny pieces
20 - Hunt drops of candle ":
is one that is marked as a seal in his underwear in his underwear (another name: tarzanello, Tobias)
21 - Poo "Dracula":
is one that leaves blood on toilet paper
22 - Poo "stalactite"
is one that seems to come at once and as a wrinkle to the anus is not broken, usually hangs until one starts to wiggle your hips
23 - Hunt 'extras:
is the kind of crap that one thinks it can contain, so decide not to go to the bathroom, pero ', guess what? Little surprise!
24 - Hunting "Father Christmas"
is so massive that one wonders how he will 'to go through the drain once you press the button
25 - Poo "Titanic":
is one that floats and appears to be unsinkable because of its grandeur, but sooner or later ...
26 - Poo "rainbow"
the kind of crap that contains at least seven distinct colors
27 - Poo "proud" when
a fight with the shit, so that, once released, the first thing out of the bathroom has told friends
28 - Poo "diet"
when you shit so much that you lose at least 3 pounds
29 - Poo "ritual":
what you do at the same hour, day after day, generates customs as "I can not sleep unless Chicago at 22.30 ..."
30 - Poo "grumpy"
is the kind of crap that comes out of such size without the assistance of a loud voice
31 - Poo "fly"
is one that remains stuck to the walls of the cup and do not want to get down and requires a piece of paper more than 'small
32 - Poo "anonymous"
mysteriously appears in the cups and no one claims authorship '
33 - Poo "suicide":
is the asshole who starts to descend alone to discharge before you even press the button
34 - Hunt's next? "
happens when you one, finish shit, notes that there is no paper, using sheets of sacrifice newspaper or magazine you have in hand, a sock and tube cardboard roll over, explained and wrapped from head to head, and carried out several times to give softness to the resulting material
35 - Poo "DLL"
as you clean your pieces remain attached
36 - Hunt for red pepper " :
that shit made after a feast of spicy dishes, which comes at no cost of excessive harshness or hostility sphincter but burns like a ball of fire.
37 - Poo "wet-ass" (cannonball):
is coming out so fast that your butt splash on impact with the water of the water. Statistically very likely when you use public toilets
38 - Poo "dangling"
this shit is refusing to break away from your seat and remains a swing suspended for endless seconds. You hope to be able to pull it off with some well-aimed hip flick but she has no intention of letting go. We improvise a touch up and down with a lot of squats: but she comes off causes the effects of liquid poo
39 - Poo "surprise" when they go to the bathroom
convinced of having to make only a small fart and voila, a beautiful ball of dung fills his pants