Libya, the lion from the nails cut.
like a domino fall or stagger the dictatorial regimes
the Middle East. Organize themselves and claim practices of freedom
Arab masses that years of propaganda we
described as genetically incapable of secularism and democracy, obscurantist and kept at bay by progressive difficulty
gendarmes West that is now revealed
ruthless corrupt despots.
But if the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings, each in their specific
, Western governments, sponsors always
dominant classes, must take note, trying to save the situation, including
in the face, the need for clarification of the situation in Libya because the entropy
communications from mass media distortions makes it difficult
disentangle the maze of information
more or less distorted and difficult to verify, which shoots
figures of tens of thousands of dead and wounded, in proportion
unlikely even in a country where, after the rebellion of Warfallah (1993), 1200
prisoners were executed.
When a despotic and dictatorial regime (the Libyan state-
Community of the people) is more governed by a character afflicted by psychopathology
manifesteche now isolated and abandoned by
courtiers noticed more, it resists not only knows how
through a large group of loyal and above all
mercenaries who are the backbone of the military, its guard (roughly 5000
effective) that always makes for the survival
The uprising is popular even though the social characteristics of Libya
reveals aspects of pre-modern tribal weaves, ie a
asymmetrical distribution of power and economic favors, also related to these aspects of
clan groups, marginalized and relegated to the margins
(Cyrenaica where there are wells). The same army is organized on
balance of clan, for it quickly unraveled. But
aviation, which enter only the members of the clan of the tyrant,
Gaddafi's power, based on a military
very complex, it has crumbled rapidly with defections
mutinies and massive, resistant only "loyal", ie
intelligence, fanatics and mercenaries European (Serbian, Italian) or
Africans have always been the only sure defense
and Members of the dictator.
We are the crazy strength of a character with no escape routes and
using violent and inhumane ways to defend themselves and that has
a huge personal fortune and state (sovereign fund
160miliardi dollars) linked to the oil revenue that has
allowed to grant favors and incentives in recent years, but not to the civil war
touted by the media to get their hands
forward to yet another humanitarian intervention
NATO or the UN.
The mercenaries are killing Gaddafi
tens and hundreds of opponents in a cruel, criminal and premeditated, not sparing even the
injured, but the numbers of thousands of deaths and tens of thousands injured
, the bombing of a civilian aircraft on Tripoli, the
thousands dead in Benghazi, 3000
then scaled to a few hundreds, always too many, once the city was liberated from the hands of rebel mercenaries
, photos of cemeteries
was passed by municipalities, the bombing of the crowd, the use of aviation
respect to arms "to read" (rifles, machine guns), show that
uprising is that the "faithful" 'm
minority though fierce, do not describe scenarios of civil war.
The civil war involves the clash of different sectors of a nation
. The latest rally in the stronghold of Tripoli
saw a crowd of several thousand supporters to the tyrant. This gives the
sign of his isolation compounded by the defection of
military commanders, ministers and diplomats. The courtiers are fleeing the
signal of a political power now in liquefaction, even though he
ambassadors, usually selected from among the loyal people,
desert in foreign capitals means that the end of powerful
But painting the civil war is to anticipate the post
Gaddafi has always been ungovernable and thorn in the side in the region, although lately
tamed with the role of watchdog of
coasts of the Mediterranean. Necessary to prevent, avoid power vacuums
that could block the activity of multinational and committed
today in the area, safeguard the investments in place, if someone were to
minds not to honor them. Then prepare the groundwork
Western intervention to prevent blockage of the oil and gas
, raising the specter of "fundamentalists" and the tribal
crushing Somali model, and not forgetting the
highlight the function of the human tide dam of the desperation that the regime has
offered in recent years in exchange for regained
international legitimacy.
And so it is finally time to stop supplying weapons to
colonel, who in the past two years has already spent more than a billion dollars in arms
much to Italy, and included
Russia, the dictator, a good anti-imperialist, has for a few months
moved from Switzerland to the U.S. safe (sic) his assets, so as to have them
Obama and the UN to block easily (perhaps they all require
Only recently Libya and is part of the market
world, rogue states or not, and for some years is investing billions
dollars (between 100 and 200) to modernize its production facilities
, infrastructure, civil and even military
years of isolation have become obsolete. And in this time of economic crisis
U.S. and European multinationals have dedicated
the renewal of the country, not only for oil and gas
(Eni, BP, Shell), but also for ... mangifici. In fact, at least 100 Italian companies
are here working, but also 200 of Turkish nationality
(about x 15miliardi of dollars in orders). Libya is a state rich
, officially the annual per capita income is $ 12,000,
high for the area, with a population of several million (but
missing registry), but poverty is the condition of the majority of the indigenous inhabitants
, also because a skilled workforce and
manual (almost two million) is made up of immigrants (Arab
African, Indian, Turkish)
fleeing from country to Tunisia and Egypt
using land routes eoi airlifts and naval
as thousands of Europeans and Americans and more than 30,000 Chinese
in the area.
The uprising is not a proletarian revolution, partly because the social subjects
missing here, but a legitimate uprising against a regime
"monarchical" and the family has maintained its
"subjects" in an under- decennial
a necessary step towards modernity, rights and new conflicts. Meanwhile, the Norwegian driver
fleeing and Nurse Ukrainian
further demonstration of isolation and total end of the next, while the rebels
organized popular committees in Benghazi with
a woman president, re-organize the army, even a board Interim
former hierarchs (sic) that guarantees the "commitments" made.
What is surprising is that the "story" of the civil war also give credibility
extreme leftists, consistently anti-imperialist, which
interpret events as civil war and revolt,
perpetrating versions
"Official", even thinking of a counter with analytical processing
paleostalinista 50 years and contrasts of blocks.
The "humanitarian" aid to people in resource-rich and strategically important
rarely led
liberty and justice for the oppressed and exhausted people from ruthless dictators without
while stirring fears and threats of chaos,
biblical migrations, invasions without control is a great way to try to put the
gag and chains for men and women
willing to gamble their lives to conquer space of democracy, participation and freedom
Federation of Anarchist Communists
March 2011
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