+ fear = + votes (Durito)
"I get 300 thousand," screams the Daily today. "Italy is invaded by the Muslims," \u200b\u200bhe replies promptly Free . (continue reading)
Dresden: Gegen Nazis! (MarcoB.)
20,000 anti-fascists from all over Europe gathered in Dresden to prevent the march of the German neo-Nazis Saturday, February 19. Were performed in blocks throughout the city to avoid the concentration of neo-Nazis and There have been violent clashes with security forces. Several protesters were seriously injured and there are about fifty arrests. Around 1500 neo-Nazis arrived in Dresden were able to pull the city.
(continue reading)
Events Veneto and surroundings:
March 1 and March 5, Treviso and Conegliano
migrants and migrant advocates supporting the strike tomorrow, March 1 and the provincial garrison to be held tomorrow in Treviso from 1700 square bag and still together ... 5 Marzorati Saturday at the provincial level to the event / dean / party which will take place in Conegliano from 1900 with departure from apron Zoppas garrison, then going to the streets on November 4, steps / ee to finish mozart gardens alongside court with cheerful music and still claims "against the crisis united united against racism" .
* Friday, March 4 bibliobar initiative to Chinatown in Piazzetta Memorial of the Resistance.
ORE ORE 21.00 20.00
DRINK DEBATE WITH EMILIO Quartermaine about the riots in the Mediterranean after
live acoustic music.
* Saturday, March 12 in front of the Cie Via Udine
hours 16 hours 18 freestyle
meeting open 19 hours
start bombing sound
Bombing of noise at the Presidio with CIE of degrees of Isonzo
Attached Flyer
Following the release of the Libertarian Coordination Isontino
the light of the success we ask is that you have found a decent accommodation for the migrants and the structure is closed and never reopened, along with other CIE
policy of migration management in recent years has shown his racist and demagogic
For these reasons, together with other libertarian reality of the region we will be March 12 in front of the CIE to ask for immediate closure.
Tunisians in revolt in deportation centers. The exclusive photos of the species of Gradisca
* Every Wednesday fellow \\ and Freedom Cafes
Bars + with projections Free dinner offer,
music, billiards, games, counter and more.
at Club Pink, via Scrimiari 7 - Verona
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