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ROMA, 27 LUG - The scandals on pedophilia and homosexual suipreti''have caused a loss of confidence in the Church with credibilita'e consequences spiritualeche no one can 'compute'' .
But the Church will know the 'recovery, starting the purification of the body''priestly conopreazioni surgical need, to do with courage edeterminazione.'' So 'the Vicar of Rome, Agostino Vallini, back into an interview with the Messenger. The clergy''and 'healthy - he says - and the priests nonvivono a double life, but only one life and consistent with lavocazione.'' Of course not exclude''that we have among us personeche should not become priests. But not possiamoaccettare that because of their style of living is infangatal'onorabilita 'of all priests.'' The Church, he adds,''does not force anyone to celibacy,''but who and 'priest,''''homosexual or heterosexual, if you want to live relazionisessuali''step back''.
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