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Ferruccio Fazio - Minister of Health |
A lot 'of confusion to the Ministry after the request for an opinion on the issue of gay donor in Milan. The various reactions are negative, but all right.
Fazio to seek the opinion Cons. sup. up to no health donazioneDopo case of gay guy is not accepted in general hospital in Milan
Rome, July 23 (AP) - After reporting a ragazzoomosessuale that has been denied her love me for being gay blood donation, the Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio hachiesto an opinion to the Board of Health on "risky behavior" that can determine the esclusionedalla donation sangue.Il Health Minister Ferruccio Fazio - we read back into an memorandum of the Ministry of Health - "on notizierelative exclusion from blood donation personedichiaratamente of homosexuals that took place at Milan ilPoliclinico put a question to the Council Superioredi Health to clarify the scope and interpretation of national normeeuropee on the 'risk behaviors' chepossono determine dalladonazione permanent or temporary exclusion of blood. "So Minister intervenes after a complaint from a gay guy, blood donor "historic" shown the door dall'ospedaleGaetano Pini, Milan, because, as the head of the Pines serviziodel then confirmed by e-mail to a user who asks for light, "after the integration of our Transfusion Service with washtimes dellaFondazione Transfusion Hospital, which took place last April, the same selection criteria abbiamoadottato donor cheattualmente not allow the donation of sessomaschile people who have had sex with people sessomaschile.
ROMA, 23 LUG - neiconfronti''No discrimination of homosexuals. The law is clear and specificache there are no risk groups but only Arischia behavior.'' Cosi 'Gabriella Girelli, diimmunomatologia professor at the University' of Rome 'La Sapienza', commental'episodio, which occurred at the General Hospital Pini, Milan, ofa person who has' declared homosexual and not allowed to donate blood draws. ''We do not have a drop of blood, let alone if one puo'permettere to the sophisticated,''the expert adds, noting that''the legislation and 'changed from 2001 (the first note of siparlava risk groups, including gay, En) Eche today and decide 'the doctor based on a series dicomportamenti considered at risk. Behaviors - add-that the same doctor must evaluate to see if we can essereil risk of transmitting infection by transfusion. But do not repeat e'bene false information - he concludes - igay must not suffer any discrimination, so 'as tuttele other categories.''
Rome, July 23 (Adnkronos / Adnkronos Health) - "Dear Minister, 'risky behavior' we only see her, that as 'doing favors the worst instincts homophobic bigotry and climate diintolleranza that, in respect of the many diversity', live country ". Rossana Dettori, general secretary of CGIL FP, in a statement commenting on the request of the Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio of an opinion of Css in reference to incidents of exclusion from blood donation of openly gay people. A request that, according to the Dettori, "may seem unoscherzo of very bad taste. The explanation we give to the minister: homosexuals are at risk as such, at least not more 'than they are heterosexual."
ROMA, 23 LUG - The request of the Minister dellaSalute Ferruccio Fazio a view to the Superior Council Disan 'on gay blood donation'' It seems superfluous because ediscriminatoria'''''dovrebbeesserci the same concern for the donation by heterosexuals. So 'a senator notadella Bassoli Fiorenza, parent Pd in \u200b\u200bcommissioneIgiene and Health' of the Senate. The problem of''collateral blood donation-state the senator - not 'sexual orientation deldonatore, but the control and verification on the pockets of sangueperche' sexually transmitted diseases''such as the increase in Aids''sono particularly among heterosexuals, such as species' was recently confirmed during the hearing in Senatodalla technical committee that deals with AIDS.'' The problem for Bassoli and '''sullesacche whether the control is done or not, and if it is extended to closely altremalattie not sexually transmitted,''Comelico hepatitis. This'' should be the concern delministro - concluded Senator Pd - and the fact that siamoun country where donations are down, and where diventasempre more 'difficult to cope with emergencies.''
ROMA, 23 LUG -''While the XVIII Conferenzamondiale AIDS and 'who's who met on the fight against AIDS, Italy is not better to do than to revive ammuffitie specious debates. Which come to us and we are witnessing the colpisconomentre laConferenza closing plenary.'' Says a statement from the Lila (Lega italianaper the fight against AIDS) occurred on all'episiodio alPoliclinico Pini, Milan, noting that''a omosessualeviene excluded from blood donation''and highlighting Cheil Minister for Health, Ferruccio Fazio,''and not 'able diprendere a position and decides to take time unparere requesting the Council of Health' .'' Secondol'associazione, then, that stigmatizes''the imbarazzantiesternazioni of a former Minister of Health'', Gerolamo Sirchia,''the humiliation that still have to suffer the personeingiustamente discriminated against by those who, at all levels, agiscesulla basis of morality and ideology and ignores the evidenzascientifica, and 'serious. Not only because 'offensive lepersone involved, but because' we do not move backwards nellalotta HIV / AIDS and prevents to initiate policies diprevenzione really effective.''
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